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Are you a working woman considering leaving your career to stay at home with your kids?

It can be a bit overwhelming to think about how this will affect your:
+finances (Can we afford it? How will I feel about not making money?)
+marriage (How will our relationship change?)
+career long term (What if I decide to go back?)

You may have other concerns like:

What will people think of me if I leave my career? Will my education be wasted?
What will my kids think of me? Shouldn't I be setting the example for them?
How will I find personal fulfillment outside of my career?

I remember how scary and overwhelming it all was. 

If you're feeling that nudge, don't ignore it hoping it will go away. Schedule a time to talk with me about making a plan for it to happen. 

I've been there. I'll help you through the transition.

I help women who leave their careers to stay at home with their kids find purpose and fulfillment. Through one on one or group coaching, I'll help guide you through the transition of leaving your career behind and embracing your new identity. 

Together, we can create a plan for you to leave your career with ease and set out to live an abundant, happy life as a stay at home mom. That doesn't mean you'll never work again, just that you won't be going through the full-time grind of professional life. 

Don't put off living your best life. The sooner you find fulfillment for yourself, the sooner you'll be able to give everything back to your family. 

Book a call today to see if working together is a good fit.


Get Your Finances Straight
Green Gap Course
Do you want to reduce debt, invest for their future and have fun along the way? Then the Green Gap Course if for you. Dr. Troy Braun is here to teach it all to you. He paid off over $700,000 in debt and retired at the age of 42 and can show you how to do it as well.

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