Self Care After You've Left Your Career to Stay at Home

Self Care After You've Left Your Career to Stay at Home
Once you've made the big leap to leave your career and stay at home with your kids, it's time to determine how you'll spend your time. 

1.    Prioritize self-care: When you're caring for young children full-time, it's easy to put your own needs last. However, it's essential to prioritize self-care and make time for yourself. This can include simple things like taking a hot bath, going for a walk, or reading a book. Make sure to schedule time for self-care regularly to help you recharge and stay refreshed.

Self-care is a personal and individualized concept, and what works for one woman may not work for another. Some women may find that self-care involves taking time to exercise, meditate, or do yoga, while others may prefer reading a book, taking a long bath, or going for a walk in nature. The important thing is to identify the activities that make you feel relaxed, refreshed, and happy, and to make time for those activities regularly. It's also worth noting that self-care isn't a luxury, but a necessity for overall wellbeing, so finding time for self-care should be a priority for all women, especially those who are caring for young children or taking on other caregiving roles.

2.    Stay connected with your professional network: It's important to stay connected with your professional network, even if you're not currently working. Reach out to former colleagues or industry contacts to keep up with the latest developments in your field. Attend virtual conferences or webinars to stay up-to-date on industry trends and network with other professionals.

Staying connected with your professional network is important, but the way you do it will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences. For some women, this might involve attending virtual networking events, reaching out to former colleagues, or staying active on social media platforms like LinkedIn. For others, it might involve joining online discussion forums or participating in industry-related groups on social media. It's important to find the methods that work best for you and to be consistent in your efforts to stay connected with your professional network. Regular communication can help you stay informed about the latest developments in your field, and can also help you build relationships with other professionals that may be valuable in the future.

3.    Find ways to use your skills: Just because you're not working in your field doesn't mean you can't use your skills. Look for opportunities to volunteer or take on freelance projects that align with your interests and expertise. This can help you stay engaged and build your portfolio, which can be helpful if you decide to re-enter the workforce in the future.

Even if you're not currently working in your field, you can still find ways to use the skills and expertise you've developed over the course of your career. This can help you maintain a sense of purpose and engagement, and may even lead to new opportunities in the future.

There are a variety of ways to use your skills outside of a traditional work environment. For example, you might consider volunteering with a local organization or non-profit that aligns with your interests or values. You could also look for freelance or consulting projects in your field, or offer your services as a mentor or coach to others in your industry. Additionally, you might consider starting a side hustle or small business that leverages your skills and expertise.

If you're looking for support in this season of your life, jump into my group here.

Tips for Transitioning From a Career to Stay-at-Home Mom (Part 1)

Tips for Transitioning From a Career to Stay-at-Home Mom (Part 1)
So you've made the decision to become a stay at home mom. Congratulations! Now comes the hard part: making the transition from full-time career woman to stay at home mom. It's not easy, but with a little planning and organization, you can make it happen. Here are 4 of 8 tips for making the switch to stay-at-home mom life. You’ve got this!

1.    Don't be too hard on yourself - it's a big change
Becoming a stay-at-home mom is a big change. It can be tough to adjust to being at home all day, especially if you're used to working full time. But don't be too hard on yourself - it's a big adjustment and it takes time to get used to it. Just take things one day at a time and eventually you'll get the hang of it. And if you're feeling really overwhelmed, just remember that you're not alone - there are millions of other stay at home moms out there who are going through the same thing. So take a deep breath and relax - you've got this!

2.    Set some goals for yourself and try to stick to them
For stay-at-home moms, it can be all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget about setting goals for ourselves. But if we want to stay sane and keep our lives feeling meaningful, it's important to set some goals for ourselves and try to stick to them. Whether it's learning a new skill, working on a passion project, or just taking some time for self-care, setting aside time to work on our goals can help us feel more fulfilled and empowered. So let's make a pact to set some goals this year and see how far we can go!

3.    Get organized and create a schedule for yourself
As stay at home moms, we all know that life can be hectic. We are constantly juggling our children, our homes, and our own personal lives. It can be difficult to stay on top of everything, and as a result, things can quickly start to feel overwhelming. One of the best ways to stay organized and reduce stress is to create a schedule for yourself. Dedicate certain days or times for specific tasks, and stick to it as much as possible. Set aside time for laundry, cleaning, errands, and anything else you need to get done. And make sure to schedule some time for yourself – even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Taking a little time each day to focus on your own needs will help you to feel refreshed and better able to take on the challenges of motherhood.

4.    Connect with other stay at home moms in your area (or online) for support and friendship
There's nothing quite like the bond between stay-at-home moms. We're all in the same boat, trying to juggle family life while also keeping our homes clean and sane. It can be a lot to handle, which is why it's so important to connect with other stay at home moms for support and friendship.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to do this these days. There are online forums and Facebook groups specifically for stay-at-home moms, so you can connect with women from all over the world. Or, if you're looking for something a little more local, you can search for stay-at-home mom groups in your area. This is a great way to meet other moms who live close by and can offer support and advice on everything from parenting to dealing with a picky eater.
So if you're feeling isolated or just need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out to other stay at home moms. We're all in this together!

In my next post, I’ll share 4 more tips to help smooth out the transition. Until then, if you are looking for a supportive community of moms who have left their careers to stay at home with their kids, join my group. 

5 Challenges of Leaving Your Career to Stay at Home with Your Kids (besides money)

5 Challenges of Leaving Your Career to Stay at Home with Your Kids (besides money)
According to Pew Research Center, 69% of mothers with children under 18 are employed. Of those working mothers, 26% work full time and 42% work part time. So what happens when a mother wants to leave her career to stay at home with her kids? For many women, it's not as simple as just quitting their job. Here are five challenges they face (that have nothing to do with money). 

1. Guilt
Whether we want to admit it or not, there is still a stigma around mothers who stay at home with their kids. Oftentimes, these women feel guilty for not working and contributing to their family's financial stability. They worry about what people will say or think about their decision to stay home. Will they be judged? Will they be seen as lazy? These are all valid concerns that can make the transition from working mother to stay-at-home mother very difficult.

2. Loneliness
 Mothers who stay at home with their kids can often feel isolated and lonely. Since they're not working outside the home, they don't have the opportunity to interact with other adults on a daily basis. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be very difficult to deal with. 

3. Boredom
Another challenge facing mothers who stay at home is boredom. When you're used to working 40+ hours per week, it can be hard to adjust to having all that free time at home with your kids. It's important to find activities that you enjoy and make the most of your time at home. Otherwise, you may start to feel like you're going stir-crazy! 

4. Lack of Structure
Mothers who stay at home also have to deal with the lack of structure that comes along with leaving their career behind. When you're used to working 9-5 (or even longer), it can be tough to adjust to having a more flexible schedule. It's important to create a daily routine for yourself and your family so that everyone knows what to expect each day. Otherwise, things can quickly become chaotic. 

5. Missing the Adult Conversation
Lastly, another common challenge faced by mothers who stay at home is missing the adult conversation. When you're surrounded by small children all day, it's easy to start feeling like you're losing your mind! Make sure to take some time each day (even if it's just 30 minutes) to talk to another adult about something other than diapers and toddlers. You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel afterward.   

While there are many challenges that come along with leaving your career behind to stay at home with your kids, it's important to remember that it is a decision that should be made based on what's best for your family - not what other people think or say about it. If you're considering making the switch from working mother to stay-at-home mom, make sure you take the time to weigh all the pros and cons before making your final decision.

Is Staying at Home Work? A Closer Look at What Defines “Work”

Is Staying at Home Work? A Closer Look at What Defines “Work”
It’s a question that often comes up in conversations among professional women: is staying at home and taking care of your children work, or is work only defined as something that you get paid to do? The answer isn’t always straightforward, but let’s take a closer look at the concept of work and how it is (and could be) defined. 

Defining Work by Society's Standards 
By society’s standards, the definition of “work” tends to focus on what people are paid to do. If someone gets a paycheck for their efforts, then they are typically deemed to be engaged in “work.” This definition can be problematic, however, because it ignores those who are doing unpaid labor such as stay-at-home parents or caregivers. 
On the other hand, there are some valid arguments for why society has chosen to define work in this way. For example, many countries use taxes on wages as a primary source of revenue, so defining work as something that is done for pay allows governments to collect taxes more easily. Additionally, if all forms of unpaid labor were considered “work,” it would be difficult to calculate unemployment rates accurately. 

Defining Work by Your Own Standards 
The good news is that you don’t have to accept society's definition of work—you can define it for yourself! If you consider staying at home and raising your children an important form of work (as many working mothers do), then go ahead and give yourself credit for it! You don't need anyone else's approval or validation—you know what you're doing and you should be proud of yourself for it. 
At the end of the day, how you define work is entirely up to you. Whether you choose to view stay-at-home parenting as a form of work or not doesn't really matter—what matters is that you recognize the value and importance of whatever it is that you're doing with your time and energy. Don't let anyone else tell you how your time should be spent; take ownership over your life and make sure that whatever decisions you make are right for YOU!

If you've thought about leaving your career to stay at home with your kids, you're not alone. 

A Tough Conversation: Leaving My Career to Stay at Home with My Kids

A Tough Conversation: Leaving My Career to Stay at Home with My Kids
It's a conversation that I never thought I would have. I never thought that I would be the one who would be considering staying at home with the kids instead of continuing my career. But there I was, having this conversation with my husband. And I know that I'm not alone. There are plenty of professional women out there who have had to make this same decision. So, how do you know when it's time to leave your career behind and become a stay-at-home mom? Here are some things to consider.

The Pros of Staying at Home with the Kids
There are some definite advantages to staying at home with the kids. For one, you get to be there for all of the milestones and special moments in their lives. You don't have to miss a single thing. You also get to form a strong bond with your kids that you might not otherwise get if you were working outside of the home. And let's not forget about the cost savings. Childcare can be expensive, so staying at home can save you a lot of money in the long run. 

The Cons of Staying at Home with the Kids
Of course, there are some drawbacks to staying at home with the kids as well. For one, you might feel like you're missing out on an important part of your life - your career. You might also feel like you're not contributing financially to the family. And let's not forget about the isolation. It can be tough being at home all day with no adult interaction. 

How to Make the Decision
So, how do you make this important decision? It's definitely not an easy one. But there are some things that you can take into consideration that might help you make up your mind. First, think about what's important to you and what will make you happy. If staying at home with the kids is going to make you happier than continuing your career, then maybe that's the right decision for you. Second, think about your financial situation. If staying at home is going to put a strain on your family's finances, then maybe it's not the right choice for you right now. Lastly, think about your support system. If you have a strong network of family and friends who can help out when needed, then staying at home might be a good option for you. 

Making the decision to stay at home with your kids is a tough one - there's no doubt about it. But if it's something that will make you happy and doesn't put undue financial strain on your family, then it might just be the right choice for you and your family.

Do You Have to Either Be a Full-Time Career Working Mom or a Stay-at-Home Mom who Doesn’t Work? No

Do You Have to Either Be a Full-Time Career Working Mom or a Stay-at-Home Mom who Doesn’t Work? No
I used to think that if I left my career to stay at home with my kids, my income would drop to $0 but that turned out not to be true. Just because I wasn’t working full time in my career didn’t mean that I couldn’t be making an income. As it turns out, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing when it comes to working and being a stay-at-home mom.

Many stay-at-home moms work from home. They work part-time or full-time, depending on their family's needs. It is possible to work from home and still be a stay-at-home mom. This allows for the best of both worlds - the income from work and the flexibility to be there for their children. Stay-at-home moms who work can provide their families with extra income, while still being able to be present for their children. This provides a wonderful opportunity for families to have quality time together while also bringing in needed income. Stay at home moms who work are truly doing it all!

It's not just for people who work in tech companies or start-ups anymore. With the rise of the internet and the culture of work-life balance, more and more stay-at-home moms are choosing to work from home. And why not? It's a great way to earn an income while still being there for your kids. But it's not always easy. 

Here are some things to keep in mind if you choose to be a stay-at-home mom who works from home:
1. Make time for yourself: When you work from home, it's easy to let work take over your life. Trust me on this one! Make sure you carve out time for yourself, whether it's going for a walk or taking a yoga class.
2. Get dressed: When you work from home, it's tempting to just stay in your pajamas all day. But trust me, getting dressed will make you feel more productive and put you in the right frame of mind to work.
3. Set boundaries: It can be hard to turn off work mode when you're at home with your kids. Set realistic boundaries for yourself and stick to them. That way, you can enjoy time with your family without feeling guilty about work.
4. Take breaks: Working from home can be isolating, so make sure you take breaks throughout the day to socialize and de-stress. Meet up with friends for coffee or have lunch with your spouse.
5. Have fun: Remember, you chose to work from home because you wanted a better work-life balance. So don't forget to enjoy the flexibility and freedom that comes with it! Embrace the chaos and find the humor in every situation. Stay at home moms who work from home are definitely a unique breed - but we wouldn't have it any other way.
6. Celebrate the flexibility: Change your perspective from "I have to" to "I get to". When one of your kids gets sick, remind yourself that you get to take care of them because you have a flexible schedule. 

If you are thinking about leaving your career but concerned about not having any income, look into the things that you could do from home. You might be surprised by the number of opportunities out there. 

Looking for support from other moms who have left their careers? Join my group here.